You’ll never be good enough, no matter what you do.

Throughout my life, I have heard that criticism as it seeps into the channels of my brain over and over again. Almost as if my neurons were built to transport that message, but then again, they are, right? Our synapses fire at rapid speeds and the way that we learn is through neuro-mapping. Now, don’t just look at me to explain all of that, I’m no scientist or expert. What I do know is what we tell ourselves, self-talk if you will, builds pathways into how we feel, how we carry ourselves and move throughout life.
When was the last time you took a moment to evaluate how you talk to yourself? The truth is, we, will never be completely good enough for the person that we want to be or hope to be. The version that we have created within our minds and our hearts will consistently be critiqued harshly by the standards that we self-impose.
So then, we are left with the ultimate dilemma.
Why try?
That is the fundamental block that keeps us moving, that drives our motivations to become better. If I am ever completely content with who I am, then I don’t have to work on any area because essentially in my own view, I’d be perfect.
That’s how I’ll leave it. Don’t ever be good enough for yourself that you feel complete on the person you are creating. On the flipside, don’t ever be too hard on yourself that you feel you are not able to achieve the goal that you are striving for. That you are simply unable to be the person that you want to become. You can be, and should be always striving to be 1% better each and every day.